Friendly and practical help for the residents of Merstham

Need help? Call Merstham Neighbours on 07733 555316

Common questions from those seeking assistance or wishing to volunteer their time.

Q. Who can use the Merstham Neighbours Scheme?
A. Anyone who has limited mobility, due to age or health issues and resides in the Merstham “RH1 3” post code district.

Q. How do I contact you to request help?
A. Ring our Helpline 07733 555316 between 10am and 12 noon on any weekday. You will either connect to our Duty Officer or you can leave a message. If you call outside this time, please leave a message with your contact details and the duty officer will respond as soon as possible.

Q. How do I register for the service?
A. Ring our Helpline 07733 555316 between 10am and 12 noon on any weekday. You will connect to our Duty Officer and they will ask you for personal details. This will include your full name and address and telephone number, your next of kin and their contact number, the name and address of your doctor and any medical conditions you may suffer from. Your mobility will also be noted, for example if you use a walking stick, frame or wheelchair. They will also note any special arrangements, such as a key-safe box, if the volunteer needs access to the house.

Q. How much do you charge?
A. As we are entirely dependent on voluntary contributions, we ask those that use the scheme to make a donation to their driver on the day. The amount donated is at the discretion of the client but a mileage chart showing suggested donations is available here.

Q. How much notice do I need to give when requesting help?
A. Please call us at least two days before you need transport to allow us time to find an available volunteer. We will do our best to find a volunteer to help but if no-one is available, you would have to ask someone else or book a taxi. Also, please note, we are NOT an emergency service.

Q. How often can I use the Scheme?
A. There is no limit to the number of times a client may use the service but it will depend on whether a volunteer is available and the nature of the request. We cannot guarantee to fulfil all requests.

Thinking of volunteering with the Scheme?

Q. How do I apply to be a Volunteer?
A. Ring our Helpline 07733 555316 between 10am and 12noon on weekday mornings and you will connect with the our Duty Officer or be able to leave a message. Alternatively, you can send an email enquiry to mersthamneighbours@gmail.com.
You can download our volunteer application form in preparation for an interview with the volunteer coordinator.

Q. Do I need any qualifications or experience?
A. No, our volunteers come from all walks of life and range from students to those in their 80’s. A friendly manner and a willingness to help others is all you need. You will also need clearance from the DBS service and this will be arranged for you, if you do not already have a current certificate.

Q. How much time do I need to give?
A. Volunteering with Merstham Neighbours is extremely flexible. Whether you can offer a couple of hours now and then or a couple of days a week, we would be very grateful for your help. Duty Officers usually offer to cover one or two days a month. Volunteer drivers decide whether or not to take a job, when they are first contacted by the Duty Officer. 

Q. When would I meet other volunteers?
A. We hold a coffee morning in St Teresa’s Hall in Weldon Way, on the last Wednesday of every month, except August and December (due to holidays).  These are a great way to meet other volunteers and get to know our clients in a fun, relaxed atmosphere.  We also hold an AGM in late Spring and everyone is invited.